About the survey

This survey is the performance of all measurements that are not related to a specific test condition or experiment execution. It contributes to the collection of the background information and site description data.


Subtasks needing data

Data needs emerge from several subtasks of the project, including:

  • Scenario Development that will build a test programme on a number of research questions for which suitable data is required 
  • Monitoring may define requirements to survey data so that data collected during the tests is comparable to the data collected outside the testing period
  • Data Management which may set requirements related to data format and metadata 
  • Model validation, which will yield data requirements from the model point of view; i.e. damage, geotechnical and hydraulic models will require certain types of data.

Required data sets

From an experimental and data analysis point of view, the following data sets are required:

  • Detailed geometry of the levees.
  • Geotechnical and sedimentological properties of the top soil and deeper structure, properties of the cover layer including vegetation; morphological defects, such as burrows or wet spots.
  • Hydraulic properties of the levee structure.

Survey techniques

We have selected the following survey techniques, see the list of survey types and items:

Topography & surface mapping

  • Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) profiles over levee and on marsh 
  • Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) scans of selected levee parts
  • Aerial RGB orthophoto mapping   
  • Aerial Photogrammetric Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • Aerial Infrared photography of selected parts
  • Survey of revetment types and levee surface properties, including animal burrows

Sedimentological and geotechnical soil properties

  • Hand drilling on levee and marsh
  • Machine (deep) drilling on levee
  • Soil testing of selected samples (different techniques)
  • Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) on levee and marsh
  • Jet erosion test on levee
  • Grass pulling test on levee

Geophysical properties

  • Slingram method
  • Electrical Resistivity Tomography
  • Ground Penetrating Radar

Hydraulic and hydrologic properties

  • Water level in Scheldt (part of continuous system monitoring)
  • Hydraulic head in levee (divers in boreholes)
  • Permeafor CPT for hydraulic conductivity in levee

Biological properties

  • Vegetation mapping
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Logo TU Delft


Kick off of the project

Launch Survey activities

Survey plan (T0)

Results from this activity