BreachDefender Pilot
Testing of the BreachDefender is an essential aspect in order to proof the feasibility of the concept. We hope that the BreachDefender can help close breaches therefore improving emergency response, preparing the 2 Seas Region for the emerging trend in climate change.
BreachDefender in action
The idea of the BreachDefender is to adjust a mid-pontoon folding bridge so it will sink instead of float. Our hypothesis is that the pontoons can help to close a breach or strengthen a weakened levee by anchoring the BreachDefender to the outer slope of a levee.
Evaluation of the BreachDefender
The technical and crisis logistical concept of the BreachDefender pilot will be evaluated in order to create a BreachDefender handbook and to add the innovative tool to the emergency measures toolbox. Focus of the pilot project is therefore on reaching three main goals:
- Proving the theory behind the concept
- Realising a technical design on the basis of the theoretical framework
- Developing a logistic concept to enable deployment during crises
Together, these goals form the finalisation of the BreachDefender concept, enabling for future use and potential collaboration after successful implementation and validation.