TU Delft
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands is one of Europe’s leading universities on flood defenses.
The Department of Hydraulic Engineering focuses on research and education in the natural dynamics of coastal and estuarine systems, the assessment of engineering interventions in natural environments and the development of methods for probabilistic design and flood risk management. The group puts a strong emphasis on Building with Nature and life-cycle approaches.
Dike safety and failure
Delft University of Technology is heavily involved in research and education on the safety of dikes, mechanisms for dike failure during extreme conditions, nature-based solutions to strengthen coastal defences and the potential impacts of flooding events. All these elements play a role in the unique Hedwige- and Prosperpolder Living Lab.

Previous experience
Delft University of Technology is experienced in working with EU co financed projects. Recently it participated in:
- TAPES, an INTERREG IVB project on Emerging Substances
- Raingain, an INTERREG IVB project on Flood prevention.
- DOC2C's project, an INTERREG 2 Seas project to develop new approaches to high deviations in DOC concentrations in sources for drinking water as a result of climate change
TU Delft also participates in several FP7/H2020 projects, including a lead role in the H2020 project Brigaid.
Read more on TU Delft.