KU Leuven
As one of Europe’s oldest universities, KU Leuven boasts a long tradition of ground-breaking research and high-quality education. As a leading university in Flanders, KU Leuven strives to be involved in large projects.
Research Group Coastal and Geotechnical Engineering of KU Leuven in Belgium is involved in the Polder2C’s project. This Research group focuses on research questions around the interaction of water, soil and structures. Insight and data are gathered with field measurements, small scale experiments and numerical modeling. This results in a better design of coastal flood defences, hydraulic structures and offshore constructions.

International project experience
Research Group Coastal and Geotechnical Engineering cooperates within a broad international network in the framework of projects at a national level. The group links with the Hydraulics Laboratory of KU Leuven, with a record of international projects, such as the FP7 program.
Read more on KU Leuven.