Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is established in the United Kingdom in 1996 to protect and improve the environment. They work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.
The agency is a non-departmental public body, sponsored by the UK government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Within England the Environment Agency is responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea. They are also responsible for:
- regulating major industry and waste
- treatment of contaminated land
- water quality and resources
- fisheries
- inland river, estuary and harbour navigations
- conservation and ecology

International project experience
The Environment Agency were involved in various Interreg projects. They were lead partner in 4 projects:
- Cycleau
- CC2150
- Licco
Also, they were project or international project partner in 7 projects:
- Aquamanche
- Riskmanche
- Water
- Living North seas
Read more on the Environment Agency.